Monday, January 19, 2009

Parties, leg pain and weather blather.

Been busy of late. This weekend, we had our friends' "Christmas" party (we couldn't get everyone's schedule together for Dec.) and we were out very late Sat into Sun AM. After driving back from the hotel, I had just enough time for a quick nap, then off to work. Man was I tired last night. Now back to work today, and tomorrow will be a long one, probably a 17+ hour day at work. Hopefully this won't turn into a 3 day affair, back to back to back 17 hour days are the pits (I did one last March, it took me 4 days to recover from it). Needless to say, I won't be training tomorrow due to the double at work.

I did ride 60 minutes on Sat, pre party, so at least I burned 720 kcals prior to eating and drinking badly! Actually the food and beer was very good, just not good for my training program. But I'd rather do it now instead of in April. The weather is somewhat improved, temps climbed to mid 20s today, 30s in the next few days. I hoping the slush and hard pack snow on the roads will melt enough so I can get a real ride in, maybe on Friday, as I'm off. Low back is feeling better; the one day I worked when it was -25 with -40 WC, my left calf froze up, felt hard as a rock! It was tight for 2 days after, but is feeling better now, and it never really hurt while spinning at 100 rpm on the trainer. Weird, hey? I've got to schedule some pool time this week as well. We did swim a little on Sat at the hotel (more time was spent in the hot tub), and at the time, I talked to my buddy who is an awesome swimmer. I tried some laps with five strokes before breathing, instead of the typical two strokes I do. I was thinking about the benefit of holding the breath in a little longer, to attempt to draw more oxygen out while keeping the HR low. I'm going to have to try this and do a little research online to read more about this theory of mine. Oh yeah, that means I'm going to have to learn to breath on each side, instead of only using my left side.

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