Well, I looked quickly at my YTD stats from bikejournal.com from 2008 and thus far this year. With three days to go until the end of Feb, I will be right there for number of rides/hours/calories so far compared to last year. Here are the totals, comparing last year this time versus 2009:
21 rides
60 road miles
21 hr 35 min
16,936 kcalories
18 rides
51.7 road miles
20 hr 24 min
14,000 kcalories
So if I ride the next three days, I will have the same number of rides in, with more actual hours in the saddle for 2009. Most of my trainer rides this year have been at least 75-90 minutes, which has helped.
I got out today for a quick Wind point loop ride, it was really nice weather. Temps were around 48 degrees, light winds, sunny. I was able to get the loop done in 25:24 and averaged 18.1 mph. Legs felt good, I could've rode all night, but had to fly home and help with dinner. The weather is supposed to get bad again tomorrow, so more trainer time is in my future. I'm hoping this weekend, the weather will improve again and I can get out for at least a 2 hour ride on Sunday. I'm going to try and drag Dennis with me, and finally get him started on his training for the PUT in May. I will bring the camera with for any weekends rides I can squeeze in.
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