Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Crazy weather.

I seem to talk a lot about the extremes in Wisconsin, how bad the winters have been the past two years, strong winds most days (at least it seems like it to me, when I'm riding). The temperatures go up and down quite a bit at times, take yesterday for instance. We hit record highs of 63 degrees, bright sunny weather, with strong south winds. Of course, I worked during the day yesterday, and today I was off.

Yeah, today the temps had dropped to 39 degrees with a brisk N/NE wind and misty rain. Yeah, I went running in this today. I just did not feel like sitting on the trainer today, and to be honest, it wasn't that bad to run in (biking would have been another story; wet roads, strong winds, cold, no thanks). And one of my favorite sayings is, "I've run (or biked) in worse conditions than this!". I don't really remember what the worst day of weather I've ever biked or run in. I can probably go through my log and pull up a top three (or five) list, and kind of narrow it that way. There will be many more bad weather day rides and runs, I'm sure of that, as long as I live in WI. And I'm not moving until at least when I retire, and thats a good number of years off. So, for the time being, I just have to say another one of my favorite sayings for training in the crappy weather, I just need to HTFU!

The run: 5k in 26:09, HR 163/168, 395 kcal.

I felt good, legs were fresh, felt like I could have done a 10k, easy. I was warm enough, no issues there (I wore my Pearl Izumi Zephyr high vis yellow bike coat, it blocks the wind and rain nicely). Tomorrow will be a road ride (depending on wind and cold), or a trainer spin. I like the road ride idea much better!

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