So quick update, race info and such. My racing has been limited; I got sicker than I have been in years right before the Spirit of Racine 70.3, where I was signed up on a relay team with a few buddies. So with my 104 degree fever, my other friend took my spot in the bike leg. So no race there for me, but my buds did a great race!
After recovery from the big sick, I started running more. I revamped my main route, going up from a 5k to a 4.5 mile loop. I started doing 10k runs again, and this past Sat night, I ran the Waterford Full Moon 4 Miler for the 2nd year in a row. I was slower a bit from last year's time by about two minutes, here are the stats:
33m 31s
515 kcal
8:22 pace
164/178 HR
Last year I ran it in 31:38, and finished 10th in age cat. But, I had been running more last year before this race. A different year means different training strategy.
It was a beautiful night for a run, cool, no winds, a great event. I ran this one by 'feel', instead of relying on my HR monitor and spilt times on the course. I felt good, and ran a pace I could maintain. The run training has been good, I am looking forward to the Milwaukee Marathon on Oct 4th, where I'm shooting for a sub 4 hour finish.
Other things of interest, SuperWeek races came through here a week ago. We hit the Racine Pro race and Downer Av SuperWeek Prime, really awesome racing. I got to shoot some great pics, Team Garmin had 3 riders and I got to see US Olympian Mike Freidman in both events.
hey, love the new header image! and good job on the running. i've been loving the run and bike/run bricks lately. but i've got another tri coming up next week.