Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard report!

 So we just had the worst winter storm in over 10 years, a real "blizzard". The totals: 23" of snow, 50mph wind gusts all night, total white out conditions. They pulled the snow plows off the road, it got so bad. And as of 6:08pm 7:34pm, as I type this, our road is still unplowed! And tomorrow, the forecast is calling for minus 25 degree temps. Great stuff up here.

This is what we woke up to. 

This will be a brief journey in pics, check it out:

My neighbor helping me dig out-thanks Paul!

the nowhere!
start of the dig out
wall of white
half pipe-ride it baby!

snow wrap-around the entire south and west sides
snow wave! (now the kids' fort)

snow wall-no driving thru this!

And post apocalypse dig out, I rode the TT bike on the trainer. I did a 70 minute spin, with the following breakdown:

15min aero position
ILT-individual leg training drills: 3X3:00, 20sec per leg, 10sec transition to other, 30sec rest after each set (these burned!)
5min aero position
hill drills-out of saddle ~60rpm: 5X1min w/30 sec rest between each.
10min CD

Overall, a very decent spin, considering I was tired from snow removal efforts. The ILT drills are killer hard, I could barely finish the last set, the legs were really quivering! I'm going to mix more of the ILT in my trainer rides, for sure.

Back to work for one day, then off for 3, then to a work related conference for 3 days. Oh yeah, there is this little thing smack dab in the middle of all that called the "Super Bowl".


  1. holy crap that's a lot of snow!! Wow dude, that's some serious digging.

  2. Hope you were able to finally dig out!

  3. THAT snow looks like our snow here.....Fun! Makes for a good core workout;)
